Welcome to the Demo CD website of the TU Dresden Research Operating System (TUD:OS).
For more than a decade, our group researches and develops microkernel-based
operating systems with the focus on real-time and security. This Demo CD
is an effort to show off some of our most interesting experiments and results
to you.
Our aim is to share the results of our work, communicate our design principles,
and to spark interest in our future research.
Some highlights of the Demo CD are:
A new approach for securing graphical user interfaces,
Multiple virtualized Linux kernels running deprivileged on the L4/Fiasco microkernel,
A survey of device driver architectures on microkernel-based systems,
The presentation of our virtual-file-system approach,
A secure transaction application, Qt3 demo applications, and libSDL-based
applications running directly on our custom operating system foundation.
The demonstrations are accompanied by a tutorial browser that guides
you through the interactive demo scenarios and highlights the most interesting
Please take a look at the Features Section of this website
to learn more about the various demo scenarios or download the ISO CD image of the
Demo CD from our Download Section.